Tom Droege: “Honor Thy Doctor”

Tom Droege died last week.  He was a special guy, thoughtful and outspoken.  Also a real brain, rocket scientist, and intrepid, in that he ventured into areas of conversation where few dared tread.  For example, Tom was active in's PPML listserv (prostate problems mailing list), where he described his final illness in detail.  Tom [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:58:35-04:00February 17th, 2008|Healthcare and Ethics, People, Families and Grieving|1 Comment

Stephen Leibel Dies: Doctor and Innovator Who Set Standard for Prostate Cancer Treatment

I am including this as "family" news.  This doctor was an innovator in using new techniques for radiation therapy of the prostate, which have now become standard.  My husband was a direct benefactor of his work at Sloan Kettering.  May he R.I.P.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Froom the STANFORD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Steven Leibel, MD, the medical director of the Stanford [...]

By |2020-02-04T09:49:12-05:00February 9th, 2008|Articles of Interest, People, Families and Grieving|1 Comment

Study: Family Intervention Helps With PC

UroToday -- A study published in the December issue of "Cancer," suggests that prostate cancer patients and their spouses benefit from family intervention counseling.  Interestingly, spouses benefited more. A total of 263 couples participated.  The average patient age was 63 years and average spouse age was 59 years.  The enrollment consisted of 65% in the newly diagnosed [...]

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