Two For the Price of One

I just read an article about a man who recently fathered a set of twins -- a boy and a girl.  What's different about this story is that the man was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 43 and had had a prostatectomy.  As a result, his body was no longer producing sperm.  But through modern technology, specifically [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:57:32-04:00June 29th, 2008|People, Families and Grieving|0 Comments

The Voices of Prostate Cancer

Listen to real people talk about what it's like to have prostate cancer on the NY Times blog: I have not had a chance to listen to this, but I'm sure it's worthwhile.  There are interviews with a diverse group of men who've had PC. I commend the NT Times for its prominent coverage [...]

“No Such Thing As a Bad Day” for Hamilton Jordan, Who Fought 4 Cancers (Including PC)

You may have heard that Hamilton Jordan, chief-of-staff to Jimmy Carter, died yesterday of cancer at the age of 63.  You may not have known that Jordan battled four cancers, including lymphoma, prostate, skin cancer and mesothelioma.  In spite of all this, Jordan wrote a book called "No Such Thing As A Bad Day" speaking about himself.  Jordan [...]

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