Bayer Healthcare and Algeta Disappoint & Let Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer Down

The committee to start the early access clinical trials for drugs and treatments for men with advanced prostate cancer has been very hard at work. Based on the leadership and tenacity of Jan Manarite of the Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI) we have managed to encourage, beg and cajole a number of pharmaceutical (pharma) companies [...]

Dr. Sartor Announces Bayer has Requested FDA Approval of Alpharedin & He Will Join Malecare to Make a Pod Cast Upon its Approval

On Thursday evening I had the opportunity to meet Dr. Oliver Sartor from the University of Tulane. At that time he informed me that Bayer had finally submitted the required paperwork to the FDA for formal approval of radium-233 chloride. For those of you who are not familiar with Dr. Sartor, he is both an [...]

Two New Sites Open for Early/Expanded Access to Radium-233 (Alapharedin) in Fort Meyers, FL. & Philadelphia, PA

The Early/Expanded Access Committee has been continuing to work on getting additional sites open for men with advanced prostate cancer to get access to the yet unapproved drug Radium-233 Chloride (Alapharadin). Due to the hard work of this committee there are now sites in seven different states. In order to qualify for this treatment you [...]

Now an Early Access Site for Alpharedin Opens in New York

The Early Access Committee on which Malecare sits has been successful in adding an additional site in Long Island, New York to the Early Access Trial of Radium-233 Chloride (Alpharedin) for men with advanced prostate cancer who are castrate resistant and have at least two (2) bone metastases. If you are interested in this trial [...]

Another Site Added to the Early Access Program for Radium-223 Chloride (Alpharadin)

The Early Access Committee Announces an Additional Site for Radium-223 Chloride (Alpharadin) in Castration-Resistant (Hormone-Refractory) Prostate Cancer Patients With Bone Metastases We have been able to get Bayer to open another early access site for Alpharedin. This additional site is in Boston, Ma. In addition to this new site there are still three other sites. [...]

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