PET/MR Imaging More Efficacious for Mapping Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Approximately one third of all men diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer will experience a recurrence of their prostate cancer! This is a shocking number, but it is a true number. It does not matter what the treatment a man has, the statistic holds up across all treatments. The first sign of a problem, a [...]

More Information About C11 Choline Scans & Some of the Other Alternative Scans Used to ID Focal Advanced Prostate Cancer Recurrences

Off-line I have received a number of additional questions about the use of imaging with c11 choline (see my post at The questions ranged from what is c11 choline to how it compares to some of the other more sensitive PET scans contrasts that are being used to identify specific locations of recurrent advanced [...]

A Great Stride In PET Imaging, But Not A Panacea – C11 Choline For Diagnosing Recurrent Prostate Cancer

The FDA has approved c11 choline Injection, a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging agent, for use in men to detect prostate cancer recurrences and to locate specific body sites for follow-up tissue sampling, testing and treatment. The indicated use for c11 choline injection is men with elevated prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels after earlier primary [...]

So Much Has Happened While I was Away – News About Advanced Prostate Cancer

The summer is coming to a close and I am back, ready to again take on the world. I had the fantastic opportunity of spending almost two weeks in Alaska, a land that is so different from the lower 48. I have to say that I have a new found respect for those individuals who [...]

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