The ASCO 2014 Game Changer – Early Chemotherapy for Some Men Extends Survival

I was asked if there was one item that was a real game changer at the American Society of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO) meeting for men with advanced prostate cancer.  The answer is yes, at this meeting it was formally shown by a study that starting chemotherapy (docetaxel) along with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in some [...]

Does Prior Response to Zytiga Affect Subsequent Activity of Docetaxel in Men with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC)?

Given all the newly approved drugs available to us to treat advanced prostate cancer there now are many questions about the optimal sequencing of these drugs and whether earlier use of one causes cross-resistance to another. Recently, it was reported that chemotherapy with docetaxel is inactive in men with metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) [...]

Impact of Prior Abiraterone Acetate (Zytiga) on Subsequent Activity of Docetaxel (Chemotherapy) in Men with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

The explosion of new therapies for men with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) raises serious questions about the optimal sequencing of these new treatments as well as whether cross-resistance occurs between these drugs. It was recently reported that chemotherapy with docetaxel (D) is not effective in in men who did not have a ? [...]

Tri-weekly Docetaxel Versus Bi-weekly Docetaxel as a Treatment for Advanced Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer: Quality of Life Analysis

Administering chemotherapy using docetaxel (taxotere or T) on a bi-weekly basis with prednisone improved progression free survival and overall survival when compared with the standard tri-weekly schedule for men with advanced castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) (Lancet Oncol. 2013;14:117-124). However, quality of life (QoL) differences have not been evaluated. In a trial to evaluate the [...]

Xtandi Shows Activity in Men with Prostate Cancer Resistant to Chemotherapy and Zytiga

Since its FDA approval in 2011 FDA abiraterone (Zytiga) has supplanted docetaxel (chemotherapy), other than perhaps Provenge, as preferred first-line treatment for metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer. August 2012 saw the FDA approval of enzalutamide (Xtandi) for the treatment of castrate-resistant prostate cancer after chemotherapy. Researchers performed a retrospective chart review at a large medical oncology [...]

An Early Peek At the Phase III PREVAIL Trial of Enzalutamide (Xtandi) Results – Good For Prostate Cancer

An important update from the phase III PREVAIL study (Xtandi in the pre-chemotherapy stage) was released thsi evening (actually yesterday evening) in advance of a formal presentation this Thursday at ASCO GU. The news is good, no the news is great. Last November the trial of Xtandi in men with metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer [...]

A Caution About Yesterday’s Post About Combining Treatments with Chemotherapy

My post to this blog that was written yesterday indicated that for certain men the early use of chemotherapy (docetaxil) could provide significant life extending benefits, especially for men with very advanced prostate cancer. For the purpose of clarification, in this case early use means in men who are still hormone responsive. Given that chemotherapy [...]

Early Chemotherapy for Men Who Are Still Hormone Responsive – For Some It Might Offer Extra Survival

When I was first diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer one of the first questions that I asked my doctor was whether it made sense for me to start chemotherapy immediately. I very clearly remember him telling me that there was absolutely no evidence that starting chemotherapy at this early stage would do anything to extend [...]

Living Through Chemo with the Support of Natural Immune System Boosts – Probiotics

Mama might have been correct, eat your yogurt. Many of us already know that a healthy gut with plenty of probiotics to support your gastrointestinal health is absolutely critical to boosting your immune system. Experts say that gut flora could account for as much as 80% of our immune system! A study from the University [...]

Commonly Used FDA Approved Treatments for Metastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC)

The first line of treatment for advanced prostate cancer is Androgen (male hormone) Deprivation Therapy or ADT. Once the PSA progresses (climbs) while still on ADT and with testosterone levels

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