A large number of the readers of this blog either have had exposure to Agent Orange or have family members who have had the exposure. We know that for those men exposed their risks for developing prostate cancer are greatly increased. Besides an increased risk of developing the cancer there is evidence that Agent Orange exposure also increases a man’s risk for developing more aggressive prostate cancer.

On the Malecare Advanced Prostate Cancer Online Support Group a member recently posted important information about agent orange exposure and its possible effects on the children and grandchildren of men who have been exposed. If you have been exposed and have children or grandchildren you should read the comments that were posted on the group.

This is important for any man who has had the exposure to Agent Orange, especially men who have children with a birth defect, a disability or health issues. If you know of any man who has had the exposure please give them this blog post and urge that they read it.

To read this important post on the support group go to: AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE.

Joel T Nowak, M.A., M.S.W.