What Is The Role Of C-Reactive Protein In The Prediction Of A Bio-Chemical Recurrence Post Radical Prostatectomy?

Periodically, some of the men in one of my support groups get locked into what they see as the importance of monitoring their C-reactive protein (CRP) serum levels to be able to predict their chances of having a Bio-Chemical Recurrence (BCR) (PSA only). The CRP measures levels of inflammation and we know that inflammation and [...]

What Is The Significance Of Prostate Specific Antigen Persistence After Radical Prostatectomy For Men With Node-positive Prostate Cancer?

It is generally accepted that a complete biochemical response (BR) of a man’s PSA immediately after surgery is an indicator of optimal cancer control. Does this also hold true for men with lymph node invasion (LNI)? Researchers performed a single institution study of 319 men with prostate cancer and LNI who were treated with surgery [...]

Role of Anxiety Reduction in Men with a Prostate Cancer Recurrence

Increasingly, we have become better informed about the possible role of psychological and spiritual interventions in the treatment of cancer, specifically for this post in men with locally advanced prostate cancer. This post is limited to just discussing the possible interventions specifically in men with a Biochemical Prostate Cancer Recurrence, commonly referred to as a [...]

ASCO 2014 – ADT May Be Deferred After A Bio-Chemical (PSA only) Relapse in Men with Prostate Cancer

Current practice has been to immediately begin hormone therapy (ADT) as soon as a man has a bio-chemical (PSA only) relapse.  A recent presentation at ASCO 2014 has shown that immediate ADT actually offers little or no survival benefit over deferred ADT to advanced prostate cancer survivors who experience a PSA only relapse after radical [...]

Is there a Need to Rush to Treatment when you Experience a Biochemical (PSA only) Prostate Cancer Recurrence?

As usual, we are confronted with a new contradiction.  It has been believed that earl hormone therapy (ADT) in men with a biochemical recurrence (PSA only) would benefit from immediate ADT.  A study released from the Harvard School of Public Health contradicts this assumption, but the study lacks follow up beyond 10 years. They evaluated [...]

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