NICE Reverses Its Decision and Now Recommends Radium-223 (Xofigo) For Men Who Have Had Chemotherapy

According to Prostate Cancer UK The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has released its second draft decision on the availability of radium-223 (Xofigo). Different from the original draft this draft recommends that radium-223 be made available on the NHS for men with advanced prostate cancer that no longer responds to hormone therapy [...]

Prostate Cancer Comes In Many Flavors, Some Rare, Hard to Diagnosis and Aggressive

Prostate cancer is not just one disease; in reality there are several different types of prostate cancer, which will look different under a microscope and behave differently in your body.  In addition to the more common types of prostate cancer there are also several kinds of rare cancers that can develop in the prostate. Prostate [...]

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