To Stay Alive Avoid the Hospital on Weekends and Night Time If Possible

In prior posts I have strongly recommended that, if possible, it is in your best interest not to go into the hospital in the month of July. The month of July is the traditional beginning of a new rotation for the new hospital Residents, or there are an overwhelming number of newly minted doctors with [...]

July, the Perfect Medical Storm

If you are contemplating any sort of medical procedure during the month of July, preceed with cauction. July is the perfect storm, a time in which many unnecessary medical mistakes are to be made, especia in hospitals. July is a time when part-timers, temporary workers and newbies, none of whom know how to work with [...]

Your Oncologist and Getting Their Cooperation In Using Out Of The Box Treatments

For those who do not know, I moderate an advanced prostate cancer on-line support group. Members are both men with advanced prostate cancer and many of their care givers. There was a recent conversation I want to share about specific “off label” and “out of the box” treatment strategies, specifically about oncologists not knowing about [...]

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