Risk of Thromboembolic Diseases in Men with Prostate Cancer

We all have been warned about the potential risk that hormone therapy (ADT) can cause to our heart and vascular health. A report from Lancet Oncology confirmed that men with prostate cancer living in Sweden when on hormonal therapies significantly increase their risk for experiencing a thromboembolic disease event. […]

More From ASCO – Is there A Role for Metformin in Treating Prostate Cancer?

Obesity has been associated with a worse prostate cancer prognosis and increased levels of insulin are thought to mediate this effect. It has been established that hyperinsulinemia associates with higher levels of insulin receptors (IR) in prostate cancers and increased tumor growth. Men with prostate cancer who are put on androgen blockade (ADT) develop increased [...]

Combination Therapy – A Wave of the Future – Combining Provenge & Avastin

We have talked about it many times in past posts, the potential that many believe combination therapy can hold for better treatments for all cancers, including advanced prostate cancer. Combination therapy has made AIDS treatment as successful as it has become and it holds a similar promise for cancer treatment. An example of this potential [...]

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network Updates Best Clinical Practice Guidelines to Include Provenge

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), a private organization which develops what has become the standard of care guidelines for clinical practice in oncology, has modified their guidelines to included sipuleucel-T (Provenge) as a part of its prostate cancer management guidelines. The guidelines specify Provenge as a category 1 treatment which is appropriate as salvage [...]

Time Between Treatment And PSA Recurrence Predicts Death From Prostate Cancer

According to a study last year at Fox Chase Cancer Center, men whose prostate specific antigen (PSA) rise within 18 months of having primary radiotherapy are more likely to develop advanced prostate cancer and die of their disease. […]

Low-Dose Chemotherapy – Can It Work For Men Who Are Unable To Tolerate Normal Doses?

A study conducted at The Department of Urology, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital, Japan, evaluated the efficacy and safety of using a low-dose chemotherapy combination of docetaxel, estramustine and dexamethasone in men with castrate resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). The study enrolled sixty-nine with CRPC. Docetaxel dosage was downed to 25 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 every [...]

Long-term Outcomes of Salvage Radiotherapy for PSA-Recurrent Prostate Cancer: Does It Work?

We know that approximately one-third of all men who elect to have a radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer will ultimately experience a biochemical (PSA) recurrence. Researchers at the Department of Urology, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL, report on their long-term outcomes of salvage radiotherapy (SRT). […]

Coffee, Coffee – I Need My Cup of Coffee!

Many of us once considered drinking coffee nothing but a bad habit, but now it looks as if drinking coffee is actually a good thing for us. Researchers are finding more and more benefits from drinking coffee, from preventing cancer to fighting fatigue. […]

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