NICE Changes Its Mind & Reverses Its Prior Decision on the Use of Xtandi in the UK!

Live in the UK and have advanced prostate cancer? If you do then be prepared to have economics over-ride your legitimate health concerns. The U.K.'s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) makes no bones about what is more important, money or men’s health. NICE initially did not approve Zytiga, however when Johnson & [...]

A First Victory in Our Fight Against Fail First Therapy – Thanking Health Partners in Minnesota for Their Concern for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer

Fail First Therapy or Step Therapy has been a topic I have written about in prior posts. It is my considered opinion that as it works its way into the treatment protocols for advanced prostate cancer it will have nothing but a very negative result for our health and longevity. What is Fail First Therapy [...]

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