An Update on the Circulating Tumor Cell Biomarker Panel (CTC) as Surrogate for Survival in Prostate Cancer

We are in desperate need of validated biomarkers, which can serve as surrogates for survival. Currently, our doctors must make decisions about which drugs to use and how long to stay on these drugs without any scientific backup or consensus driven direction to their decisions. Our clinical trials for evaluating survival of potential new advanced [...]

Understanding What Are Circulating Tumor Cells And What Is Their Role In Prostate Cancer Treatment

Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) is an area we will continue to hear more about as their importance to our understanding prostate cancer continues to increase.   CTCs show the movement of cancer cells though the body. It is believed that these CTCs are the method that cancer uses to spread through our body (metastasize). Measuring the [...]

Analyzing Prostate Cancer Using the CTC-Chip – Insights into the Prognosis of Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Using a CTC-chip that measures the level of circulating tumor cells in blood can provide an important insight into the prognosis and potential rates of recurrent disease, according to data from a developing study at Massachusetts General Hospital, which was presented at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 101st Annual Meeting 2010. [...]

A Possible Surrogate Endpoint- Circulating Tumor Cells

There is nothing more frustration that the current methods used by the FDA to approve drugs. The theory is great, but how it gets translated into our real world is killer, I mean a literal killer of men. The FDA wants assurances that before they approve a drug that it really works, or shows efficacy. [...]

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