Testaxel – A New Phase 2 Trial for Men Who Are Chemo Naive and Who Have Failed Chemotherapy

A new Phase 2 clinical trial of tesetaxel in men with castrate resistant advanced prostate cancer will be conducted through the Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials Consortium (PCCTC). Tesetaxel, an oral taxane which is in clinical development, will be evaluated for its use as both first- and second-line chemotherapy. […]

A Phase II Study Demonstrates that Docetaxel and Epirubicin Is Superior to Docetaxel and Prednisone in Advanced Prostate Cancer

Researchers at the Medical Oncology Unit, University of Siena, Viale Bracci 11, 53100, Siena, Italy performed a randomized phase II study which compared the activity and safety of the combination docetaxel (D)/epirubicin (EPI) with the standard of care D/prednisone (P) in men with advanced castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). […]

Caution- Do Not Combine Chemotherapy for Prostate Cancer with Avestin

An article appearing today the Urology Times E-News rang a warning bell about the use of the angiogenesis inhibitor bevacizumab (Avastin). The article warned that men with advanced prostate cancer may be at an increased risk of treatment-related death when bevacizumab is used in combination with other therapies. Senior author Shenhong Wu, MD, PhD, and [...]

Surviving Chemotherapy by Stopping Unnecessary Infections

We have been having a lot of conversations on the advanced prostate cancer on-line group this last month about chemotherapy. Three of our advanced prostate cancer warriors have been openly sharing their experiences as they start docetaxel (taxotere or chemotherapy). Join the group at: Join the advanced prostate cancer on-line support group. It is important [...]

IxMP – A Potential Second or Third Line Chemotherapy- On The Horizon

Can IxMP Be Used as a Second or Third-Line Chemotherapy for Metastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer? There was a report recently released about a Phase 2 study from the Department of Defense funded Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials Consortium that suggests that ixabepilone + mitoxantrone + prednisone may have clinically significant activity as a form of [...]

:( Taxotere Burn :(

The taxotere burn is not the hottest, latest dance sweeping the country, it is a little discussed complication that can strike a man while having chemotherapy for the treatment of prostate cancer. If the infusion equipment is not secured tightly or the vein not properly accessed and any of the taxotere is allowed to leak [...]

Managing Other Side Effects From Taxotere – Part III

Besides the blood problems and the gastric problems I discussed in the last two posts, taxotere can also cause hair loss and have effects on your skin and nails. The q3wk dose of taxotere (higher dose once every 3 weeks) is associated with reversible hair loss in two-thirds of men going on that schedule and [...]

Part II of III – Managing Taxotere Side Effects – Gastrointestinal Problems

Taxotere can cause severe irritation of the liver, so your liver functions must be monitored via regular blood tests. If the blood screens show you are developing liver problems a modification of your dosing or possibly stopping further infusions is warranted. Liver damage caused by taxotere is usually reversible when the drug is stopped, however [...]

Does Androgen Deprivation Treatment (ADT) in Men with Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy have a Clinical Benefit?

Is there any reason to continue hormone therapy (ADT) while I have become castrate resistant and I’m starting chemotherapy? This is a common question that is asked by many of us. The real underlying question we are asking is: I feel so terrible now and I am getting ready to add chemotherapy with all of [...]

Carboplatin plus Paclitaxel Therapy after Docetaxel in Men with Metastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer

UroToday.com published a dual-center study today that confirms that carboplatin and paclitaxel (a taxane product) has an active effect on PSA when used in the treatment of men with castrate resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) after docetaxel (chemotherapy for prostate cancer). […]

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