For Caregivers – Common Signs of Impending Cancer Death

Advanced Prostate cancer will eventually lead to our death. This is a sad truth that I know we all are very aware. In a study published Monday online in Cancer, researchers identify “eight specific physical signs” indicating a patient “with advanced cancer is entering the last days of life.” The signs that were identified were [...]

A Beautiful Caregiver Tells Her Real Story In Dealing with Her Husband’s Prostate Cancer

As I have said before, the true unsung heroes of our fight against advanced prostate cancer are our caretakers. Our caretakers are our saints, they help educate us, they advocate for us, they shield us and they make us as complete as we can possibly be. They improve our lives and help us get through [...]

WHAT – Fired By Your Doctor! Sounds Like You Are Lucky

I want to share a post I made today on the advanced prostate cancer online support group ).  It was in response to an ongoing thread with a spouse (caregiver) who was fired by her husband's doctor by having his nurse call them.  She was guilty of asking questions, relevant and important ones, but the [...]

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