Multiple vs. One External Beam Radiation Dose for Palliation of Bone Pain in Men with Prostate Cancer

A man in the advanced prostate cancer online support group has asked, “Why the radiation (external beam to relieve bone pain from prostate cancer and to protect the bones from fractures) is given in so many "mini" doses rather than one or two larger doses. The answer is it doesn't necessarily have to be delivered [...]

Overusing Radiation to Treat Bone Pain in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer

Extra radiation will not keep the doctor away, so why do we use it? According to a recent study published in the Oct. 9 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association most men who are given radiation to control pain from bone metastasis accompanying advanced prostate cancer undergo more treatments than they really [...]

The FDA Approves a New Non-Invasive, Non-Ionizing Radiation Therapy to Treat Pain from Bone Metastases

The big news from yesterday is that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a MRI-guided, focused ultrasound therapy for the treatment of bone pain associated with metastatic advanced prostate cancer. In a media release written by InSight, an Israeli company states that its ExAblate® MRI-guided, focused ultrasound technology is indicated to treat pain [...]

Zoledronic Acid Shows Improved Clinical Outcomes When Administered Prior to Bone Pain in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer

According to the FDA approval label, zoledronic acid (Zometa) should be administered to men with advanced prostate cancer once they have failed one hormone therapy type, in other words, once the cancer has become castrate resistant. Researchers at the Centre Hospitalier de i’Université de Montréal, Hôpital Notre-Dame, Montréal, Quebec, Canada evaluated the effect of zoledronic [...]

Can Bone Pain Predict Survival in Men with Metastatic Hormone-Refractory Prostate Cancer Treated with Docetaxel? What are the Implications?

A small study of 145 men with asymptomatic metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC) was conducted to determine the benefit of starting early chemotherapy with docetaxel. Collected data were analyzed from these subjects who were treated with chemotherapy between February 2000 and June 2002 in one French center. The men were categorized into three groups according [...]

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