I had my second chemo treatment last week (Thursday) and it went so much faster with the port-a-cath (see the December 1, 2008 post “Injection Site Issues and Technology” for an explanation of a port-a-cath). As most of us who are traveling this trail will know, our veins take a regular beating from all of the different doctors and their nurses. It can become extremely challenging for the nurses to locate good veins and in some cases; it can take a few pricks with the needle before they are successful. With the port-a-cath, the IV was hooked up in just seconds. The whole event took just over 2 hours!
I am feeling a little on the fatigued side today but I feel better than I did yesterday. I am sure tomorrow will be even better. The days that immediately follow the chemo infusion are the best as I still feel the positive effects from the steroids that have been administered as a part of the infusion.
I cannot say enough about the support from both my family and friends. I know it makes people feel uncomfortable to talk about it. I just hope they continue to be the same friend that that they were before I started to receive chemo. I understand that the situation can be uncomfortable, I want to tell them just do not worry about it. I know sometimes as friends, we want to do more than we think we are doing to help, but just do not know how. Trust me, the phone calls to say hello or anything else is great.
As my hair started falling out this week my friends were great. They had the same ol’ sense of humor with same ol’ compassion. That is a true friend.
As for family, they are the truly strong ones. I try to act normally while being torn apart on the inside. I keep laughing, crying, telling stories and try to stay busy. I just make sure I get my four hugs per day.
Scott Goodwin
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