Today is Mother’s Day. Today is a day we remember and honor our own mother and our spouses.

These are the very same women who have been our loving caretakers, a job that gets little gratitude and no pay. Often, we are guilty of not paying attention to them and of responding to their comments and questions in a quick and unthinking manner.

Today is a good day to step back, take a deep breath and appreciate them.

To my wife Wendy – Thank you so much for everything. We have had a great 33 plus years. I am so luck to have found you. You are my best friend and my love.

To my Mother-in-Law Charlotte- Never could any other son have been as fortunate to have been blessed with a mother-in-law from heaven.

To my late mother Annette- Words can not express how I miss you. This has been a very hard year and one half since you passed away. I am glad that you were not here to know about my Prostate Cancer recurrence or my Kidney Cancer. I still reach for my cell phone as I am driving home from work to check in with you.

Thank you moms of the world!

Joel T. Nowak, MA, MSW