The Benefit of Using Local Prostate Cancer Therapy for Men with Lymph Node Positive Disease

In an issue of ONCOLOGY, there was a review of the literature provides us with a comprehensive review of the limited literature on management of men with prostate cancer who have pelvic lymph node involvement but no known distant metastatic disease at diagnosis. Common folklore has been that these men, with limited pelvic lymph node [...]

Positive Findings In Pelvic MRIs In Relapsed Prostate Cancer After Failed Radical Prostatectomy

There has been a lot of conversation about the role of and the use of multi-parametric MRIs in the initial diagnostic stages of prostate cancer, but little is known about its potential clinical application in the use of early salvage radiotherapy after failed radical prostatectomy. In a study to exam the potential of multi-parametric MRIs [...]

Analyzing the Analysis – Is Surgery Superior to Radiotherapy? No, Despite the Results from A Large Canadian Study

It is a little out of the normal scope of this blog, but a recent prostate cancer study from Canada has received a lot of buzz and needs some commentary and analysis. The study concluded that for men who are diagnosed with local prostate cancer (still confined in the gland) live longer if they have [...]

A Review of the Literature on the Treatment of Oligometastasis in Prostate Cancer

Oligometastasis can be described as a state of limited metastatic disease following failed primary treatment or even prostate cancer as it is first diagnosed. Many doctors believe that it is amenable to aggressive local therapy to achieve long-term survival. In a review designed to explore the role of ablative radiotherapy and surgical management of oligo-metastatic [...]


NOTE: I ADDED INFORMATION TO THIS STORY AFTER I INITIALLY PUBLISHED IT.  PLEASE CONSIDER  THIS NEW INFORMATIONIT CAREFULLY. The Wall Street Journal Health Blog entry today (Surgery for Prostate Cancer: Comparing Different Techniques, by Jacob Goldstein) concerns the results of a study recently reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association which compared the [...]

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