Where Was The Press?

On August 9, Skip Ciccarelli, a 60-year-old prostate cancer survivor arrived at New York City’s Manhattan Kayak Company, located at Pier 66. He was greeted by almost nobody and without any representatives of the press to cover the end of his journey! Ciccarelli arrival at Pier 66 having completed his Olympian type marathon. His arrival [...]

Danger BRCA1 & BRCA2 Genes and Prostate Cancer

A faulty gene closely associated with breast cancer is also responsible for a particularly dangerous form of prostate cancer, research has confirmed. The British Journal of Cancer reported a study that a University of Toronto research team found prostate cancer patients carrying the BRCA2 gene lived on average for four years after diagnosis as opposed [...]

In Support of Prostate Cancer Screening

I want to change pace a little today and instead of directly discussing advanced prostate cancer, I am going to discuss an issue that has been coming up in our community, universal prostate cancer screening. We have all been embattled in an on going dispute, a disagreement about the value of general prostate cancer screening. [...]

Prevention with Guest Blogger Arnon Krongrad, M.D.

I have invited Dr. Arnon Krongrad, M.D. to submit an occasional post. He is a pioneer of the Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy and currently practices at the Krongrad Institute in Aventura Florida. This post on preventing prostate cancer is a little late for those of us who have recurrent, advanced disease, but it isn’t to late [...]

American Cancer Society’s Prostate Cancer Projections for 2008 and Their New Misguided Direction On Screening

The American Cancer Society has released its revised statistical projections for prostate cancer diagnoses and deaths in the United States for the upcoming year of 2008. The projection calls for 186,320 men to be diagnosed and 28,660 to die from the disease. These numbers do not take into account the many men who die from [...]

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