Using CT Scans to Predict A Pending Spinal Cord Compression in Men With Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer *

CT scans are often performed in the process of monitoring of advanced prostate cancer disease progression. One of the most serious impacts of advanced prostate cancer is spinal compression, which can lead to paralysis and significant pain. Being able to use the CT scan as a red flag warning about potential spinal cord compression could [...]

Using choline-C11 PET/CT Scans To Predict Survival In Men With Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Choline-C11 PET/CT scans can identify the actual sites of recurrence of prostate cancer in men who have a rising PSA after receiving primary therapy. The question worth asking is if this type of scan might be able to be used for prognostic purposes. Knowing this might influence our treatment decisions as well as our basic [...]

Prepare to Hear More About Combidex Technology

It has been announced by the International Strategic Cancer Alliance that a Dutch university that intends to launch global trials has purchased the Combidex technology. Combidex is a scan contrast that periodically gets discussed among prostate cancer survivors, but it has not been available for a few years.  It is an injectable nanoparticle fluid (contrast) [...]

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