What Is The Best Treatment For Oligo-Recurrent Prostate Cancer – A Literature Review

When I had my prostate cancer recurrence it was characterized by a PSA in the mid 80s and a few positive lymph nodes showing on scans. My situation (oligo-recurrent prostate cancer) was described in a recent literature review called Salvage Therapy of Small Volume Prostate Cancer Nodal Failures: A Review of the Literature. The review [...]

Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer – Still Curable So Be Vigilant

It is generally agreed that prostate cancer which is still 100% confined to the prostate gland is curable using local therapies like radiation or surgery, but when it has left the prostate gland and becomes metastatic it is no longer curable. Treatment for metastatic prostate cancer is intended to make the prostate cancer a chronic [...]

Understanding Oligometastic Prostate Cancer & Our Ability to Successfully Treat It

It is the general consensus that prostate cancer when still confined to the prostate gland is gland curable, but when it has left the prostate gland and becoming metastatic it is no longer curable. But evidence now says there might be an intermediate stage where the cancer has spread outside the prostate gland but is [...]

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