Topic 3, Multidisciplinary Care

This particular topic may be the most important. A few have tried to put the discussion about its importance on the table (ref. this document published by the AUA back in 2005), but perhaps old habits die hard? General cancer conferences are mandated by the Commission on Cancer (CoC). You can’t be a community cancer [...]

Topic 2, Prostate Conservation

Over treatment is the big issues thrown out there in any discussion about why men shouldn’t screen.  So a couple of years ago the concept of Active Surveillance began to gain broader conceptual adoption.  It’s  generally considered to be a good smart option for maybe as many as half of men who are diagnosed, provided [...]

Topic 1, preparation, recovery, and reconstruction

Without getting into any details about side-effects, from what I understand, a lot of prostate cancer patients experience them, and many exit treatment feeling unprepared for the physical and psychological burden associated with them. What’s worse, some “don’t want to talk about them” even to the extent of living with side-effects for years without being [...]

is more awareness really what we need?

I'm going to go ahead and answer that with a big YES!  But with the caveat that the breadth and scope of our awareness has to expand if we have any hope of ever comprehensively addressing the issues that surround this awful disease.  Knowing it's there does scarcely little good with no clear path for [...]

Newly Diagnosed – Read Me

1) Start building personal medical file by getting every copy of medical procedure done on you, including the biopsy results, blood works, MRI, Bone scan and others. Patient have a right to demand a copy for each procedure and this will serve as your personal reference in the future to keep track of your own [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:53:42-04:00August 31st, 2010|Newly Diagnosed|1 Comment
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