Evidence – Marijuana Effective for Pain Control & Can Limit Opiate Abuse

What if I tell you that there is no good evidence that marijuana does any good for treating glaucoma, anxiety, or Parkinson's disease. Despite this, it is often prescribed to treat these aliments in states that have legalized marijuana. According to a large meta analysis of 79 studies published in Journal of the American Medical [...]

Understanding and Trying to Rectify the Abusive Costs of Our Drugs

I have been relatively quiet about the skyrocketing cost of drugs, but it has now become impossible to remain out of the fray. A Pharmaceutical company recently acquired a drug called Daraprim, the drug treats potentially fatal parasitic infections.   After its acquisition the company raised the price of Daraprim by almost 5,0000%. When confronted with [...]

The Need To Expand Research Into Pre-hab Therapy Prior To Cancer Treatment

There is a lot of evidence that pre-treatment rehabilitation (prehabilitation or pre-hab) both speeds up and benefits a patient’s recovery after surgical orthopedic treatment for knee and hip replacement as well as cardiac conditions. Having pre-hab, which is often covered by insurance after orthopedic surgery, is pretty standard. Now, based on an article published in [...]

A Step Towards Understanding How To Get A Fair Value For The Dollars Spent For Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment

In the treatment of prostate cancer the first very expensive drug we had that was FDA approved was Provenge, with an initial cost of $93,000 for a one-month’s treatment protocol. Today, the cost is in excess of $106,000. According to the phase III clinical trial result Provenge extends life by a median of 4.1 months, [...]

Oral Drug Parity – What Is It and Do I Have It?

Cancer survivors have many additional problems in their life. I guess the most significant problem is that we have a life threatening illness. So, why are we forced to have to worry if our medications will be paid for or if we are able to afford to pay for them? When we are fighting for [...]

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