Chemo Brain – Yes, Prostate Cancer Survivors Do Suffer From It

Today’s New York Times has published another of its fantastic articles about cancer and coping with cancer. Today’s article, written by Jane Brody, discusses chemo brain. Until a short time ago, many doctors denied that it even existed, but today it is pretty much accepted as being real. One is said to suffer from chemo [...]

Dealing with the Worry of Developing a Met

Every time I feel any pain, especially when it is in my chest or lower back, the little birdie whispers to me that I have finally developed a bone met. What are just the normal aches and pains from getting older sometimes seem to magnify and turn on the worry switch. It isn’t dissimilar to [...]

Cognitive Impairment From Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone Agonists for Prostate Cancer

When I was on an active hormone blockade (ADT2) I suffered extensively from many of the usually reported morbidity issues (negative side effects). One of the side effects I dealt with was significant cognitive impairment. I live in New York City, was born in the city and have spent most of my life in the [...]

Cancer is a Life-long Experience

Not only is having cancer a life changing experience, but it also is a life-long event. Once you have been diagnosed, even if you think that you are cured, you remain a cancer survivor until you die. Cancer is never cured it is only controlled. We all are constantly subject to having a recurrence and [...]

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