Gleason Grade 7 or Above: Why You Should Consider Open Surgery

I want to pass on some information that newly diagnosed men absolutely should consider. It is from the excellent blog "Palpable Prostate" by A. Black.  The gist of this is that for intermediate- and higher-grade PC pts (GL 7+, PSA 10+), *open* surgery for PC is considered preferable to laparascopic (which includes robotic) surgery by [...]

The “Complication” That Dares Not Speak Its Name

All serious illnesses cause emotional distress. But prostate cancer patients may be even more vulnerable. This is because treatments for PC often cause erectile dysfunction (in at least 50% of men who've had RP, for example), which is highly correlated with depression. Also, some men who've undergone treatment have been left with distressing side effects [...]

Mayo Clinic Editorial Urges Caution About Laparascopic PC Surgery

This is a follow-up to the previous posting.  Please read that first.  Following is an editorial by Dr. Michael Blute of the Mayo Clinic urology faculty.  He is commenting on a study by Dr. Hu which compared laparascopic and open surgery.  I am going to cite the entire article almost verbatim and I have emphasized parts that I [...]

By |2020-02-04T08:27:23-05:00May 27th, 2008|Healing the Mind, Key Post, Op-Ed/Inside Scoop|1 Comment
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