Prostate Cancer drugs cost more in the USA than in other countries.

The cost of Enzalutamide (Xtandi) in the United States is being challenged by Knowledge Ecology International (KEI), a public interest advocacy group.  The average US wholesale price of Xtandi in 2015 was $88 per capsule.   That can add up to $129,000 annual cost per man. There are significant issues related to high costs of treatment. [...]

Of Interest In the News – Surprise Out-of Network Bills and the U.S. Preventive Task Force Becomes Controversial

In an article in Time (3/7 Sweetland Edwards) there is a discussion about the failure of the Affordable Care Act to stop patients from receiving “surprise” bills from their medical providers for services provided. These surprises result from people going to a medical facility, which is in their Network but having some service, provided by [...]

Understanding and Trying to Rectify the Abusive Costs of Our Drugs

I have been relatively quiet about the skyrocketing cost of drugs, but it has now become impossible to remain out of the fray. A Pharmaceutical company recently acquired a drug called Daraprim, the drug treats potentially fatal parasitic infections.   After its acquisition the company raised the price of Daraprim by almost 5,0000%. When confronted with [...]

Xofigo Without A Co-Pay For Men Who Are Uninsured or Who Have A Medical Policy That Doesn’t Cover Xofigo

I have been informed that it is now possible for men in need of the treatment Xofigo to obtain it without having to pay any co-pays.  The program that is making this possible is called Xofigo Access Services and is designed to make Xofigo available for men with a commercial medical insurance policy (not medicaid [...]

The Need To Expand Research Into Pre-hab Therapy Prior To Cancer Treatment

There is a lot of evidence that pre-treatment rehabilitation (prehabilitation or pre-hab) both speeds up and benefits a patient’s recovery after surgical orthopedic treatment for knee and hip replacement as well as cardiac conditions. Having pre-hab, which is often covered by insurance after orthopedic surgery, is pretty standard. Now, based on an article published in [...]

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