One Man’s Shares His Personal Tips About Having Provenge To Treat His Advanced Prostate Cancer

The following was posted on the Malecare Advanced Prostate Cancer Health Unlocked online support group.  I have received permission to reprint it here because it might be helpful to some of you. FYI-    Provenge is a cancer vaccine that helps to mobilize your own immune system to your prostate cancer.  It is currently only [...]

Updated Overall Survival Data from a Phase 3 Trial of Ipilimumab vs. Placebo in Men Post Chemotherapy Receiving Radiation Therapy – Still Needs Time

Presented in a poster at the recent European Society of Medical Oncologist (ESMO) there was a data update of the phase 3 clinical trial (CA184-043) which evaluated overall survival (OS) in men having radiotherapy (RT) followed by either the immunologic drug Ipilimumab (Ipi) or with a placebo. Initially, this trial did not meet its endpoint [...]

More On The Efficacy Of Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) – It Works

Despite its approval five years ago sipuleucel-T (Provenge) remains one of the most controversial treatments available for men with castrate resistant metastatic prostate cancer (mCRPC). Provenge has its advocates (Full Disclosure- I am) and it has many detractors. The detractors argue that it doesn’t work and they hang their hat on the argument that it [...]

A Real Role for Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer

Immunotherapy has a major and expanding role in the treatment of cancer, including advanced prostate cancer. Over time there have been a number of naysayers as the immunotherapy Provenge has played the role whipping boy by critics. The common criticism leveled at Provenge can be summed up simply, “It doesn’t work.” The plain truth is [...]

The Twists and Turns For Provenge

It was announced today that preliminary results from the Phase II STAND trial demonstrates continued and what is described as a robust immune response with Provenge (sipuleucel-T) that continues two years after completing treatment in men with biochemically-recurrent prostate cancer (BRPC). This finding, along with data from the ongoing Phase IV registry PROCEED trial, are [...]

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