A Real Life Experience Using A C-11 Choline Scan To Combat A Prostate Cancer Recurrence

In response to the post I wrote about Choline C-11 on December 11, 2013 Choline C-11 A Second Shot To Halt the Cancer After Primary Treatment Failure one of our group members contact me and shared that he was scheduled to have a similar scan. I asked if he would be willing to share his [...]

On The Horizon- MRI Guided Ultrasound Ablation of Prostate Cancer Tumors

In 1999 there was a new company started, InSightec, when GE Healthcare and Elbit Medical imaging joined their technologies to develop and manufacture non-invasive magnetic resonance (MRI) guided focused ultrasound technologies. The company has been in the process of developing a system that combines MRIs with ultrasound to non-surgically destroy fibroids and tumors. The company [...]

The FDA Approves a New Non-Invasive, Non-Ionizing Radiation Therapy to Treat Pain from Bone Metastases

The big news from yesterday is that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a MRI-guided, focused ultrasound therapy for the treatment of bone pain associated with metastatic advanced prostate cancer. In a media release written by InSight, an Israeli company states that its ExAblate® MRI-guided, focused ultrasound technology is indicated to treat pain [...]

More Information About C11 Choline Scans & Some of the Other Alternative Scans Used to ID Focal Advanced Prostate Cancer Recurrences

Off-line I have received a number of additional questions about the use of imaging with c11 choline (see my post at http://advancedprostatecancer.net/?p=3433). The questions ranged from what is c11 choline to how it compares to some of the other more sensitive PET scans contrasts that are being used to identify specific locations of recurrent advanced [...]

Cabozantinib, Promising, Still Controversial For the Treatment of Bone Mets in Prostate Cancer

Cabozantinib (cabo), has many of us prostate cancer survivor, educators and researchers simply scratching their heads. In trials, Cabozantinib demonstrated what some people have characterized as mind boggling activity against bone metastases. In trials the drug led to partial or complete resolution of bone scans in a substantial portion of patients with cancer, including prostate, [...]

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