What Is The Best Treatment For Oligo-Recurrent Prostate Cancer – A Literature Review

When I had my prostate cancer recurrence it was characterized by a PSA in the mid 80s and a few positive lymph nodes showing on scans. My situation (oligo-recurrent prostate cancer) was described in a recent literature review called Salvage Therapy of Small Volume Prostate Cancer Nodal Failures: A Review of the Literature. The review [...]

Early Chemotherapy for Men Who Are Still Hormone Responsive – For Some It Might Offer Extra Survival

When I was first diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer one of the first questions that I asked my doctor was whether it made sense for me to start chemotherapy immediately. I very clearly remember him telling me that there was absolutely no evidence that starting chemotherapy at this early stage would do anything to extend [...]

Does Debulking A Tumor When Initially Diagnosed with Advanced Prostate Cancer Offer An Advantage?

Men initially diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer often face a serious question, whether traditional primary treatments that would remove or make smaller their primary tumor (“debulking” the tumor) provide any advantage or extend their survival. Since the most commonly used method to debulk tumors is surgery or radiation the question becomes if the risks of [...]

A First Victory in Our Fight Against Fail First Therapy – Thanking Health Partners in Minnesota for Their Concern for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer

Fail First Therapy or Step Therapy has been a topic I have written about in prior posts. It is my considered opinion that as it works its way into the treatment protocols for advanced prostate cancer it will have nothing but a very negative result for our health and longevity. What is Fail First Therapy [...]

Hot Flash Treatments Used for Women Don’t Work in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer on ADT

Those of us with advanced prostate cancer who have used hormone therapy (ADT) often find that we are plagued with hot flashes that are detrimental to our quality of life (QOL). I believe that hot flashes are the most common side effect complained about by men who are on ADT, in the scheme of seriousness [...]

Degarelix Proves to be the Superior Hormone Deprivation Treatment (ADT) for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer

Based on six recent retrospective analyses comparing the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist degarelix against the traditional luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists (i.e. Zoladex, Lupron etc.) men with advanced prostate cancer experienced improved disease control, fewer instances of urinary infections, and a lower risk of cardiovascular events. The six analyses compared data from randomized trials that [...]

Bone Disease in Men with Prostate Cancer Needs Constant Monitoring

The number of cancer survivors is increasing, soon to be as many of 13 million of us in the world! Bones are often affected in cancer survivors, usually a result of bone metastases, or of anti-cancer therapies which can contribute to bone loss and fragility. Bone disease in cancer survivors can result both from the [...]

Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer – Still Curable So Be Vigilant

It is generally agreed that prostate cancer which is still 100% confined to the prostate gland is curable using local therapies like radiation or surgery, but when it has left the prostate gland and becomes metastatic it is no longer curable. Treatment for metastatic prostate cancer is intended to make the prostate cancer a chronic [...]

The Differences in Ketoconazole & Abiraterone (Zytiga)

Zytiga  (abiraterone acetate) and Ketoconazole (keto) are both widely used in prostate cancer therapy to treat men with advanced prostate cancer.   They both have a common mechanism of action, they both work by inhibiting the enzyme CYP17 that is responsible for androgen biosynthesis (creation).  Inhibiting CYP17 lowers testosterone levels, which results in prostate cancer tumor regression. Because [...]

Metastasis-Free Survival Is A Possible Biomarker for Overall Survival

Researchers at Johns Hopkins has concluded that metastasis-free survival appeared to independently predictor of overall survival (OS) in men with recurrent prostate cancer who underwent androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) after developing metastases. Men with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer (PSA only) tend to survive for long periods so the FDA gold standard for clinical trial endpoint [...]

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