Compassionate Use for Unapproved Drugs

An article in today's New York Times about obtaining drugs under the compassionate use clause boiled my blood. I am not usually one without words, but this story has left me speechless, or wordless. I can not add anything to the story, it speaks for itself and makes me cry. Joel T Nowak MA, MSW

Hey, We Also Need Biomarkers

A lot has been written about the need to identify better biomarkers to both assist in the initial diagnosis of prostate cancer and then to help determine which cancers are potentially dangerous from those that are actually indolent. Finding these markers is vital, I too have written about the great need for them. However, in [...]

Can the “Right to Die” Become A “Duty to Die”

Wesley Smith who is a lawyer, associate director of the International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide and senior fellow at the Discovery Institute has published an article in the Telegraph of the experience of Oregon and its "assisted suicide" law. "Imagine that you have lung (or prostate cancer, I know it is rare, [...]

Scott Goodwin Completes His 5th Chemotherapy Session

How does the song go- "Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be.” That is a feeling that I have experienced and that I believe we all will experience. Nevertheless, we have to continue to plow through our treatments, pills, endless doctors appointments and, of course the co-pays. I do find that it [...]

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