Prostate Cancer Deaths Predicted to Rise By 17 Percent in 2010 !

Did you hear the news? These alarming 2010 projections for prostate cancer deaths were just released. Isn't it nice that they were released just prior to Father’s Day, so have a happy Father’s Day. These projections call for a massive 17 % increase in prostate cancer caused deaths as well as a more than 13 [...]

Time Between Treatment And PSA Recurrence Predicts Death From Prostate Cancer

According to a study last year at Fox Chase Cancer Center, men whose prostate specific antigen (PSA) rise within 18 months of having primary radiotherapy are more likely to develop advanced prostate cancer and die of their disease. […]

Cancer and Organ Donation – A Surprise Answer

Don Greggs, a long time prostate cancer survivor, recently asked his niece if people with cancer are able to donate organs at the time of their death. His niece who has worked in the organ recovery field gave him an answer that surprised me. She said that having cancer does not eliminate the possibility of [...]

Death Due to Competing Risks in Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer

The old adage, prostate cancer is the cancer that you die with not the cancer you die from has been around for a long time. No question compared too many other cancers prostate cancer does progress more slowly than many other cancers. But, is this adage true? Men with prostate cancer have competing mortality risks [...]

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