Advanced Disease & Isoflavones

According to a report from Japan in the March issue of "Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention", dietary isoflavones may reduce the risk of initially developing localized prostate cancer, but appear to be associated with advanced disease when prostate cancer does occur. This would explain the prior studies in which the consumption of soy by Japanese [...]

Apatone- Vitamin C & Vitamin K3) Effects PSAV And PSADT

We are constantly being bombarded with information about nutrition and supplements. Sometimes an item will foster prostate cancer and sometimes we hear that the very same item will help prevent prostate cancer. Then there are those items that will initially prevent pc, but also encourage metastatic spread of an existing tumor. It is confusing and [...]

Soy Compound May Halt Spread Of Prostate Cancer

A compound found in soybeans almost completely prevented the spread of human prostate cancer in mice, according to a study published in the March 15 issue of Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. Feeding mice genistein, an antioxidant found in soy, decreased metastasis of prostate cancer to the lungs by [...]

To Calcium Or Not To Calcium

Evidence indicates that excessive calcium intake may increase the risk of developing metastatic prostate cancer (advanced prostate cancer). A 1998 Harvard School of Public Health study of 47,781 men found those consuming between 1,500 and 1,999 mg of calcium per day had about double the risk of being diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer as those [...]

Pom Wonderful

I trust that you are drinking your pomegranate juice or getting your MDR (minimal daily requirement) of the fruit in some other fashion.  Dear Husband takes softgels which we get from Costco.  And he also buys pom juice concentrate at the local market, Fairway, which he mixes with water and grape juice.  Why?  Because he says he can't drink it [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:59:35-04:00July 25th, 2007|Arts/Humor/Quotations, Diet and Supplements|2 Comments

Some Weekend Humor

I was just reading an article by the eminent scientist Stephen Jay Gould called "The Median Isn't the Message".  It's about statistics.  First Gould quotes Benjamin Disraeli to the effect that there are "three species of mendacity, each worse than the one before -- lies, damn lies and statistics."  But then Gould tries to make the case that [...]

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