Women: How to Help Your Man with Intimacy after RP
I have removed the full text of this article. To read it, please go to the site below and click on info for "Companions". See "Ten Pointers for Women". http://phoenix5.org
I have removed the full text of this article. To read it, please go to the site below and click on info for "Companions". See "Ten Pointers for Women". http://phoenix5.org
Tuesday night I fell asleep with my radio on. A few hours later I awoke to hear that a "wonder drug" had been discovered for prostate cancer. Exactly what I had been dreaming about. I was half-asleep at the time, so in the morning I set out to find out more. The BBC reported that an experimental [...]
Listen to real people talk about what it's like to have prostate cancer on the NY Times blog: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/06/26/voices-of-prostate-cancer/ I have not had a chance to listen to this, but I'm sure it's worthwhile. There are interviews with a diverse group of men who've had PC. I commend the NT Times for its prominent coverage [...]
You may have heard that Hamilton Jordan, chief-of-staff to Jimmy Carter, died yesterday of cancer at the age of 63. You may not have known that Jordan battled four cancers, including lymphoma, prostate, skin cancer and mesothelioma. In spite of all this, Jordan wrote a book called "No Such Thing As A Bad Day" speaking about himself. Jordan [...]
I always advise newly diagnosed men to get a second opinion on their biopsies from a very experienced person. That's because Gleason scores are notoriously inaccurate. For example, dear husband's biopsy slides were interpeted by three different pathologists and he was assigned three different Gleason scores. (First biopsy ordered by urologist, second done by hospital pathologist [...]