Financial Assistence

Paying for cancer drugs is hard.  Costs are high and options for paying for cancer medications are few. There's a list of financial resources making the rounds that I thought to post.  Malecare hopes you find the financial help you need. AbbVie Patient Assistance Foundation (Lupron) 800-222-6885 AMS Co-Pay Assistance Program (AMS implant) Downloadable Brochure [...]

Xtandi May Work Better With TET

Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is a first line treatment for men when prostate cancer has spread beyond the prostate. Men die from prostate cancer after their disease becomes castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Anti-androgen treatments such as Enzalutamide (Xtandi) have lengthened the life of thousands of advanced prostate cancer men around the world. Ultimately, even [...]

Quality of Life Improvements Help Extend Life While On Xofigo

You may live longer if you feel good about life while taking radium-223 (Xofigo). Dr Neal Shore from the Carolina Urologic Research Center studied how health related quality of life (HRQoL) might be related to overall survival while being treated for advanced prostate cancer with Xofigo. Approximately 800 men with advanced prostate cancer were asked [...]

Testosterone Levels May Predict Hormone Treatment Effectiveness

Advanced prostate cancer patients who started androgen deprivation treatment (ADT) treatment with low testosterone levels had worse 1-year progression-free and overall survival after continuous ADT than men with higher testosterone levels. This means that men who are about to start hormone therapy should have their testosterone tested. Those with low testosterone levels should ask their [...]

Estrogen As New Prostate Cancer Treatment

Fetal estrogen estetrol, also called E4, is being tested in the Netherlands as a treatment for advanced prostate cancer. "E4 for the treatment of prostate cancer would offer a new and affordable option compared to current standard and new therapies. An important advantage of E4 is expected to be the avoidance of the hypoestrogenic side [...]

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