“Mommy, Daddy, I’m feeling boomnified.”
“I SAID I’M FEELING BOOMNIFIED!” He was half smiling and half serious when he made this statement.
“Devin, where did you get the word boomnified from?”
“I made it up.”
Ok. Whatever he says.
“So what does it mean?”
“It means to be bothered or upset.”
“Oh. And where did you get that word from again?”
“It’s French,” he said.
“Really? It’s French?”
“I didn’t say it was French. It’s English.”
Sometimes talking to a four year old is like talking to a four year old. Or perhaps it’s like talking to Beyonce. Didn’t she claim to have made up the word bootylicious?
If anyone has ever heard the word boomnified before on TV, or read it in a book let me know. My boy is sticking to his story, so this is my way of fact checking. If you’ve never heard it, I’m calling to publishers of Webster’s Unabridged.
K, Manny (3) likes to make up words too. You’d think having started his life speaking Kreyol and then mastering English, it would be enough for him, but no. The other day he was talking about the car going on the “bloam”. The boy is obsessed with all things car-related, but I had no idea what a “bloam” was. Finally he told me, “it’s a road”. I asked why we couldn’t just call the road “the road”, and he just say, “because we can’t.”
Corey, going to lie down in the bloam
Never heard it before, but I kind of like it, and may start using it. I can just imagine my next exchange at work “good morning Nerd Girl, how are you?” “Oh, I’m boomnified.” And then I’d just keep walking, straight faced – and laugh when I got to my car and hit the “bloam!”
My new all time favorite. Im feeling very boomnified right now at work as a matter of fact. Just like talking to beyonce…hilarious! Somebody get this kid his own show! the writing stike definately will not affect his act…
Boomnified!!!! He definitely comes up with some good stuff. I agree, the kid needs his own show. I’d keep a video camera on him all day. He could have his own little reality show. LOL
I am so glad I found this site. Just the laugh I needed.
Though, just a warning, I’m 19 and I still make up words… 🙂
Call webster immediately!
It’s cute when children make up words but not cute when adults do it. I like boomnified and no I have never heard of it before until I came across your site.
PAtent that before someone else does.