Federal Advocacy Update that you need to become involved with:
There are three resolutions that NPCC is currently educating legislators about:
H.Res 672 is sponsored by Doris Matui’s office (CA-5) and it supports the goals and ideals of National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in September. This resolution recognizes the main issues surrounding the lack of awareness about this kind of cancer and declares that the federal government has a responsibility to raise awareness about the importance of available prostate cancer screening methods and treatment options; to increase research funding that is commensurate with the seriousness of prostate cancer in an effort to improve screening, treatments, and cures for the disease; and to implement policy that improves access to, and the quality of, health care services that detect and treat prostate cancer.
H.Res 288 is sponsored by Gregory Meeks’ office (NY-6). The resolution recognizes that the occurrence of prostate cancer in African-American men has reached epidemic proportions and urges federal agencies to address that health crisis. It urges federal agencies to designate additional funds for: research to address and attempt to end this health crisis; efforts relating to education, awareness; and early detection at the grassroots levels to end such health crisis.
H.Res 353 is sponsored by Elijah Cummings’ office (MD-7). It supports an increased federal commitment supporting the development of innovative advanced imagining technologies for prostate cancer detection and treatment. It recognizes the successful use of advanced imaging technologies in the fight against cancer and urges additional support for the research and development of technologies for prostate cancer detection and treatment comparable to state-of-the-art mammograms.
I encourage everyone, including friends and family, to contact their elected officials by clicking here, to ask them to support these resolutions.
If you have questions about this or any other related policy items contact Kevin Johnson at (202) 303-3120 or Heather Gordon at (202) 303-3111 at the National Postate Cancer Colalition.
Joel T Nowak MA< MSW
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