I have been writing about the dire need for us to reach out to our congressional delegates and demand they support funding for the Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP). If you have not yet contacted your congressional members, please do it. Don’t forget you also need to let your entire email list and address book residents know about this issue.

This is an example of how one advocate is asking his network to get involved in advocating for CDMRP funding. This may help you to develop an email you can send. You can use some or part of what Fred has said. You know your network best and how best to inspire them to act. We need to work on this now.


I Know some of you maybe very active in pursuing Federal cancer research funding for Prostate Cancer. And of course some are reluctant to advocate for this DOD Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program & . Prostate Cancer is not the only disease to benefit. These programs address a diverse array of topics.

The Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) is a collection of 18 individual
programs that seek to find and fund the best research to eradicate diseases and support the warfighter
for the benefit of the American public. In fulfilling its mission, CDMRP emphasizes innovative, high risk,
high-gain research that might otherwise not be funded and projects that forge new collaborations
in furtherance of important research objectives.

The Congressionally Directed Medical Research cancer) to neurodegenerative disease (e.g., amyo-
Programs (CDMRP), a research directorate within trophic lateral sclerosis) to deployment-related
the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel medical conditions (e.g., psychological health and
Command (USAMRMC), was established in 1993 traumatic brain injury). as, breast, ovarian,

The Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), a research directorate within the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC), was established in 1993 to manage congressional appropriations in support of disease-targeted extramural biomedical research. CDMRP is funded through the Department of Defense (DoD) by annual Congressional legislation known as the Defense Appropriations Act.

CDMRP is a collection of 18 individual programs that benefit the American public by seeking to find and fund the best research to eradicate diseases and support the warfighter. In fulfilling its mission, CDMRP emphasizes innovative, high-risk high-gain research that might otherwise not be funded, and projects that forge new collaborations in furtherance of important research objectives. These programs address a diverse array of topics,
ranging from cancer (e.g., breast cancer, prostate cancer) to neurodegenerative disease (e.g., amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) to deployment-related medical conditions (e.g., psychological health and traumatic brain injury).

Since its inception, CDMRP has maintained a central focus on innovation.

I wish to point out with the herbicide spraying of defoliants, like Agent Orange, Blue, Red & White the neexd for military effect continue to be studied and new medications/treatments needs to be researched and determined.

What I am asking you to do is call and email your Congressman & Senator’s Offices to request their support for this program in the 2011 appropriations and 2012 budget & appropriations.

Morgan 8th District: , James P. Moran use direct URL to send email (202) 225-4376.
Connelly 11th District: “Gerald Connolly” 202-225-1492
Warner: Mark Warner http://warner.senate.gov/public/ also “Mark Warner” (202) 224-2023
Webb: direct URL (202) 224-4024

If you live in another Cong District please send & call accordingly.

Thank you – Hugs Galore,