Have We Reached the Breaking Point with Our Insurance Carriers?

The new federal health care reform’s goal is to create a situation where all Americans will have health insurance, a goal that I support 100%. One of the problems that the regulations actually create is the simple fact they further empower the health insurance companies, not patients. We all have found out that much of [...]

Communication Problems in Our Medical Care System Create Errors and Financial Waste

It should not be a great surprise to any of us, but a recently published study in the August issue of Archives of Internal Medicine concluded that there are significant gaps between what doctors think their patients know and what patients say they know!  The study consisted of a survey of 89 patients and 43 [...]

Economic Problems Facing Research Funded By The NIH

Today’s New York Times, in the Sunday opinion section, there was an editorial about the economic problems facing academic research institutions and their young researchers. The problems they are facing is a direct result of the flat budget that The National Institute of Health (NIH) has been given over the last five years. The rate [...]

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