A Clinical Trial : Ixabepilone, Mitoxantrone, and Prednisone in Treating Patients with Metastatic Prostate Cancer That Did Not Respond to Hormone Therapy and Chemotherapy

I was recently reviewing current clinical trials and came across this one for men who have failed chemotherapy, what many of us view as the final treatment for advanced prostate cancer. It provides a potential opportunity to combine two different therapy agents (one old, mitoxantrone; one relatively new, ixabepilone). Both of these chemicals are known [...]

An NCI Clinical Trail After Chemotherapy Has Failed

What do advanced prostate cancer survivors do once we fail chemotherapy? At this time there are no FDA approved next steps other than to take some time off and pray that restarting chemotherapy will again help us. To put in another way, we wait to die. There is a huge need to find additional strategies [...]

Living Day to Day (Living by PSA)- An Installment of Scott Goodwin’s Personal Experience with Chemotherapy

I completed my third treatment on Christmas Eve. I felt pretty good through the holiday weekend but started to fade a little by Sunday. The major side effect at this point is fatigue. As most of you know taking a nap doesn't always help, but still feels good. Despite the treatment we are on, we [...]

Scott Goodman Shares his Fourth Update on his Chemotherapy Journey

I had my second chemo treatment last week (Thursday) and it went so much faster with the port-a-cath (see the December 1, 2008 post “Injection Site Issues and Technology” for an explanation of a port-a-cath). As most of us who are traveling this trail will know, our veins take a regular beating from all of [...]

Estramustine Plus Docetaxel After A Vacation as Second-Line Therapy in Patients with Hormone-Refractory Prostate Cancer Resistant to Docetaxel

What is left for us once we become resistant to docetaxel (DOC) plus prednisone, which is the last FDA approved, standard of care treatment available for advanced hormone refractory prostate cancer? There has been some studies that indicate after a “vacation period” similar to what many of us do with a first line hormone blockade, [...]

Injection Site Issues and Technology

As we meander through our treatments, we all will be forced to face the needle. Injections, injections, we all will receive injections and infusions. Despite the commonality of this experience, we read very little about them, especially injection sites and the available technologies for these injections and infusions. We also do not learn about injection [...]

Scott Goodman Shares his Third Update on his Chemotherapy Journey

Scott Goodwin has blessed us with his third installment about his travels on chemotherapy. Scott should serve as a model for us all. He is brave, open to us all about his experiences and has figured out to how to use his friends and family to support him. I feel great!!!! It was a little [...]

Scott Starts Chemotherapy for Advanced Prostate Cancer, Post II

Scott Goodwin has received his first chemotherapy infusion for his advanced prostate cancer. He has very kindly agreed to share his on going experience and thoughts about receiving chemo. His first comments were shared on November 11, 2008 in the post titled: Scott Goodwin, a 47 Year Old Advanced Prostate Cancer Survivor, Shares His Journey [...]

Scott Goodwin, a 47 Year Old Advanced Prostate Cancer Survivor, Shares His Journey As He Gets Ready to Start Chemotherapy

Scott Goodman, a fellow prostate cancer survivor, has agreed to occasionally post on the blog. Scott, at the age of 45 years, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. In two short years, he has been diagnosed, undergone surgery, taken Ketoconazole with Prednisone and now finds himself starting chemotherapy. Scott bravely has agreed to chronicle his journey [...]

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