Can exercise improve the quality of life of men with advanced prostate cancer and also extend their survival? To help answer this question a major new global trial known as GAP4 has been launched in Dublin, Ireland.
The trial has a goal of recruiting 866 men from seven countries, including Ireland. The trial will be comprehensive with the researchers anticipating that it will take five-and-a-half years to complete.
There is a constant accumulation of evidence that indicates that exercise has dramatic effects in relation to cancer prevention, as treatment and in preventing cancer from recurring. The goal of GAP4 is to prove, with the evidence based standards provided by a clinical trial, that exercise delays prostate cancer progression and improves survival in men with advanced prostate cancer.
Current treatments can extend the life of men with advanced prostate cancer, but they all come with many side effects including fatigue, brain damage and metabolic and cardiac problems. We do have observational studies that exercise can improve survivor outcomes, including recurrence rates and significance of side effects experienced by the survivor. This trial seeks to confirm this data.
Confirming, with this level of evidence, if exercise can extend the lives of men, mitigate their side effects and reduce recurrence rates with advanced prostate cancer is vital. This information will help improve many individual’s life as well as reduce healthcare costs.
Currently, the steering committee for the trial is in process of finishing the protocol. We look forward to seeing this trial begin.
Is Australia one of the 7 countries in which the trial will be conducted?
Hello Joel,
I was very interested in reading about the exercise trial that is being launched from Dublin. How can I find out more about it and maybe sign up for it? Nearly two years ago I was diagnosed with Advanced Prostate Cancer and am receiving the standard Hormone Injection every 3 months. I am also following the Gerson Diet Regime. Its tough but my general health has measurably improved and many of my secondary cancers (lymph nodes) have disappeared.
Thank you for sharing the article and your cancer survival journey. Keith
Keith, I am glad that you might be interested in the trial. It has not yet launched. I suggest that you periodically google GAP4 Trial prostate cancer so that you will be able to hear about as it launches. – Joel
Not yet announced. If you are interested I suggest that you periodically google GAP4 Prostate cancer trial. – Joel