Self-advocacy can be a positive experience and often gives a person a sense of control in a time of uncertainty. Advocacy doesn’t have to be time-consuming or difficult—it can be as simple as asking more questions at a doctor’s appointment. Furthermore, being a self-advocate doesn’t mean that you are responsible for your cancer care alone. Many people involve friends and family members to help find and sort all of the information necessary to make decisions regarding care and treatment.
ASCO has developed a webpage that may be helpful to men who are making decisions about prostate cancer. You can click here to view the page.
How would you modify the information on this page for men who are dealing with prostate cancer?
Very good. Might it be worth mentioning internet message boards under the “Learning from other people … ” heading (or maybe add it as another heading)? In the UK I’ve found the Prostate Cancer Charity message board extremely helpful, and also contribute to others.