I was talking to a white woman and one of my dawgs earlier this week when the conversation somehow ended up on diversity. Obviously not taking into account her audience, she said with a straight face that “diversity is not about color.” She claimed that Polish people and Russian peole are diversifying
I didn’t curse her out like a dog because I was overhwelmed by her ignorance and didn’t think a person like that could be talked to anyway. I could not begin to explain the psycological, economical, physical and social ramifications of being black in America, and how it ties into the idea of diversity, to such a loon. I was amazed that someone, white or black, living in NYC could hold such a ridiculous opinion. There isn’t one European ethnicity that brings diversity to this country. White folk are white folk wherever you go.
When normal people think about diveristy, at least in this country, they think of people of color, which almost always means black (or hispanic). We forget that this very basic idea of diversiity is sometimes lost on our more ignorant fellow Americans. For a place to be considered diverse, whether it is a workplace, a neighborhood, or a school, it had better have a black person somewhere in the mix. Perhaps I should have ranted and raved about how Dr. King did not die so that white Europeans could “bring” diversity to America. But I didn’t. Instead I rant to you.Â
Diversity (I know I have said that word a lot in this blog) may not be solely a black thing, but it certainly is not a white thing.Â
My Brother,
Thanks for your honest thoughts. However, I must disagree with your comment that diversity is only about race. Yes, there better be a Black person, a Latin and an Asian in the mix when one shows his/her workplace or school is diverse; however, as one who heads up a college diversity program, I must say here that ALL cultures bring diversity to the table. I mean, if you bring four Irish kids together and ask each how s/he celebrated a holiday like Christmas or Thanksgiving, each will have a different answer from the other. This is small but an indication that culture is a huge body of water. Add to this, the diversity of sexual orientation, handicapped individuals, religion (think Islam) and more and you can begin to see the big picture. Dr. King died so that we ALl can sit together, play together, study together, and celebrate life together. Amen to that! Peace to you and yours!