The following was written and posted by Paul Edwards to the Advanced Prostate Cancer Online Support Group:
- Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) that is systemically absorbed is most likely to interfere with concurrent chemotherapy and potentially cause harm to cancer patients.
- When tested in rigorous clinical trials, no CAM cancer treatments alone have shown benefit beyond placebo.
- With the exception of ginger to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea, there is no compelling evidence overriding risk to take complementary medicines for supportive care during chemotherapy treatment.
- There is, however, established evidence to use mind–body complementary therapies for supportive care during chemotherapy treatment.
*Acupuncture Benefit for chemotherapy-induced acute vomiting
*Acupressure (acupuncture points stimulated by pressure) Benefit for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
*Moxibustion (acupuncture points stimulated by heat) Benefit for chemotherapy-induced acute vomiting
*Mild exercise Reduces fatigue and enhances life satisfaction. Yoga has been shown to be a useful practice for women recovering from breast cancer treatments to reduce stress, improve quality of life and well-being, and to reduce persistent post treatment fatigue
*Hypnosis Decreases chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
*Imagery and relaxation (e.g. imagining immune cells as powerful medieval knights or big brooms dispatching cancer cells) Modulates immune functioning during treatment
*Massage Decreases chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
*Reflexology decreases anxiety during chemotherapy
*Meditation Shown to alter immune patterns by decreasing stress. Decreases anxiety and depression
*Music Reduces chemotherapy-induced anxiety
*Self-expression (includes written or verbal expression, artwork, humor and movement) Written emotional expression has shown a positive effect on outlook and decreased dark feelings in patients with breast cancer
I agree that at all stages of treatment your medical specialists need to be aware of what supplements and alternative medications you are taking.
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