Depression and Our Caretakers

We often talk about depression and its effects on survivors, but having cancer also has significant effects on our caretakers and our family members. Many of them are constantly worried about us; spend time accompanying us at our doctor’s appointments; have to continue to hold down a job; deal with the myriad of everyday problems [...]

By |2007-12-04T23:22:04-05:00December 4th, 2007|Advanced Prostate Cancer, Our Caretakers, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Caution, The Super Bug Is Looking For You

At their annual meetings in San Jose, California, The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology released the startling results of a large comprehensive survey which indicated that as many as 5% of all hospital and nursing home patients are infected with a dangerous, antibiotic resistant Staph germ. According to the survey, on any [...]

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