PSA & What it Means

Many of us, who are dealing with advanced prostate cancer, become understandably concerned about our rising PSA. Given free choice, we all would be much happier if our PSA just disappeared and became undetectable. Granted, a rising PSA is indeed a bad sign, but the rate of rise and how we actually feel is more [...]

Danger BRCA1 & BRCA2 Genes and Prostate Cancer

A faulty gene closely associated with breast cancer is also responsible for a particularly dangerous form of prostate cancer, research has confirmed. The British Journal of Cancer reported a study that a University of Toronto research team found prostate cancer patients carrying the BRCA2 gene lived on average for four years after diagnosis as opposed [...]

Survivor Researcher Conference

I am sorry that I have not posted anything recently, but I have just returned from Atlanta Georgia where I was an invited guest at a conference sponsored by the American Cancer Society, The Lance Armstrong Foundation and the National Cancer Institute. The conference was a biannual event focused on survivor research. The sponsors of [...]

CNN Provide Cancer Resourses For All Cancers- Including Prostate Cancer has a great web page designed to help you figure out what to do after you have been diagnosed with cancer. Their resources and ideas are very relevant for men with advanced prostate cancer. No matter when you were diagnosed and how much you think you know about prostate cancer, you can find some [...]

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