Emotional & Mental Quality of Life Improved with Early Intervention of Palliative Interventions

Advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNP) had been integrated into the oncology team at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida with the purpose of discussing palliative care intervention for persons newly diagnosed with metastatic cancer. The team found that this type of intervention improved emotional and mental quality of life (QoL) for those patients who participated [...]

Being A True Strong Man When Dealing With Prostate Cancer

It is important to remember that confronting our feelings and giving them appropriate expression always takes strength, not weakness. It takes strength to acknowledge our anger, and sometimes more strength to curb the aggressive urges that our anger may bring and then to channel them into nonviolent outlets. It takes strength to face our sadness [...]

Using the Complete Team to Battle Advanced Prostate Cancer

It is important to learn to use as many resources as possible as we take our trip through the treatment processes for advanced prostate cancer. Many of us limit ourselves to just our doctor and perhaps their office nurse or Physician Assistant. The reality is that there are many other individuals who can make out [...]

The Really Big Factor in Prostate Cancer Deaths Is Age – Can Rationing Save Money?

Is it a subtle form of healthcare rationing with the goal of saving money at the expense of lives? Maybe that is what is going on. Older men are not economically as valuable to society as other individuals, in many people’s eyes they are actually a burden. Can a solution to the problem be to [...]

Minorities, Especially Blacks Are More Willing to Spend All for Cancer Care

An AP medical writer, Mike Stobb, wrote an interesting and unusual article about a survey that was conducted asking if people would be willing to spend everything they have on aggressive treatments that might prolong their life. The survey concluded that blacks and other minorities with cancer are more likely than whites to say they [...]

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