Fasting Might Limit Chemotherapy’s Side Effects- A Potential New Paradigm For Taxotere Administration

You are scheduled for chemotherapy (Taxotere if you are being treated for prostate cancer) in a few days, so you stop eating until you complete the therapy session! This scenario could become typical in future treatment protocols. Published last week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences was a study that found that starving [...]

Advanced Disease & Isoflavones

According to a report from Japan in the March issue of "Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention", dietary isoflavones may reduce the risk of initially developing localized prostate cancer, but appear to be associated with advanced disease when prostate cancer does occur. This would explain the prior studies in which the consumption of soy by Japanese [...]

Soy Compound May Halt Spread Of Prostate Cancer

A compound found in soybeans almost completely prevented the spread of human prostate cancer in mice, according to a study published in the March 15 issue of Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. Feeding mice genistein, an antioxidant found in soy, decreased metastasis of prostate cancer to the lungs by [...]

Cronic Inflammation

There is a lot of concern in the research community that inflammation plays a significant role in cancer, including prostate cancer. The exact role is not clear, however many researchers and clinicians believe that we need to work to minimize inflammation in order to control cancer. Why is it potentially dangerous? Chronic inflammation (CI) works [...]

The Role of Cruciferous Vegetables in Stage III and IV Prostate Cancer

An online study appeared in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute on July 25, 2007. [1] which has reported that a high consumption of broccoli and cauliflower may reduce the incidence of stage III-IV prostate cancer. As is usual with prostate cancer every week brings conflicting information and findings. Two months ago, we were [...]

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