Comparison Evaluating Bone Mineral Density Changes in Advanced Prostate Cancer: Luteinising Hormone-releasing Hormone Agonists Versus Transdermal Oestradiol

The current standard hormone therapy (ADT) for men with advanced prostate cancer is a class of drugs called Luteinising hormone-releasing hormone agonists (LHRHa). These drugs reduce serum oestradiol as well as testosterone, causing bone mineral density (BMD) loss as a side effect of the ADT. Using transdermal (skin patches) oestradiol is a potential alternative to [...]

What You Need to Know About Xgeva or Denosumab

Xgeva, also known as denosumab, is an injectable medication (injected once a month subcutaneously under the skin in the doctor’s office) that is used to prevent bone fractures and spinal cord compression caused by bone metastases in breast and prostate cancer survivors. Solid tumors in the bone, which is a common site for individuals with [...]

Skeletal Events and the Treatment of Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer

Many of our doctors are constantly vigilant about our developing skeletal related issues.   Having advanced prostate cancer and receiving treatment for this disease increases our odds of developing skeletal issues which affect both our quality of life and our mortality. Drugs like denosumab (Xgeva) and zoledronic acid (Zometa) are important in delaying the onset of [...]

It Maybe Time To Change The Dosing Schedule Of Zoledronic Acid To Every 12 Weeks

In a presentation at the ASCO Annual Meeting,  Dr. Andrew Himelstein, MD, FACP of the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute, presented the results of a trial evaluating Zoledronic Acid (Zometa) at a dosing schedule of every 12 weeks as opposed to the current standard of care of every 4 weeks. The trial included [...]

Understanding the Complexities of Bone Metastases in Prostate Cancer

Our bones operate in a balanced and dynamic system, which in the normal situation keep them strong. Bones are constantly being eliminated and then remade to keep them healthy and read to support our frame. This normal process involves two major kinds of bone cells that work together, in balance, to keep bones healthy and [...]

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