Fighting the Terrorist Within

As a follow-up to the previous post I am posting a speech delivered by a prominent cancer researcher and advocate comparing resources devoted to the war on cancer versus the war on terrorism. I would add my own comment: shouldn't we should finish one war before we begin prosecuting another? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighting the terrorist within [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:58:28-04:00March 3rd, 2008|Articles of Interest, Healthcare and Ethics|0 Comments

NYT Op-Ed: Cure Prostate Cancer Now . . .

Cure More, Spend Less By Tommy G. Thompson Published: March 2, 2008, New York Times (Op-Ed) THE presidential candidates are not focusing enough on how government can be administered more efficiently and successfully, especially in the health care arena. The Republicans held four debates before even one question was asked about health care. Our party [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:58:29-04:00March 2nd, 2008|Articles of Interest|0 Comments

Stressed-Out Caregivers

"Caregivers of men with prostate cancer suffer too" NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Wives and other caregivers of men with prostate cancer may be at risk of anxiety, fatigue and other symptoms that exact a toll on the quality of their lives, a study published in The Journal of Clinical Oncology suggests. The findings, [...]

By |2020-02-04T11:47:30-05:00February 18th, 2008|Articles of Interest, People, Families and Grieving|1 Comment
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