More About Dosing Ketoconazole

There are two different dosage levels used for the administration of Ketoconazole (Keto), a commonly used 2nd line hormone deprivation drug used after the failure of the traditional drugs (Lupron, Zoladex etc.). Low dosage keto involves taking 200 mg three times a day (600 mg per day), while high dose keto uses 400 three times [...]

Ketoconazole – How To Take It So That It Works

Recently, I received two separate questions about both low dose ketoconazole (LDK) and high dose ketoconacole (HDK). For both of these men with castrate resistant advanced prostate cancer, their PSA scores continued to rise, despite their using keto. Even when taken properly, not all men experience a positive effect from the drug (a decline in [...]

Your Oncologist and Getting Their Cooperation In Using Out Of The Box Treatments

For those who do not know, I moderate an advanced prostate cancer on-line support group. Members are both men with advanced prostate cancer and many of their care givers. There was a recent conversation I want to share about specific “off label” and “out of the box” treatment strategies, specifically about oncologists not knowing about [...]

Capesaris™ (GTx-758) Phase II Proof of Concept Trial – A New On the Horizon Drug To Watch

GTx, Inc. this weekend presented results of the Capesaris™ (GTx-758) proof of concept pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) clinical trial treating men with advanced prostate cancer, at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Urologic Oncology. Capesaris is a novel oral selective estrogen receptor alpha agonist which GTx is developing for first line treatment of advanced prostate cancer. [...]

Prostate Cancer Treatment Linked to An Increased Risk of Developing Colon Cancer

What is the primary treatment for men with advanced prostate cancer? We all know the answer, it is hormone therapy. Almost without exception, when we get diagnosed, we are put on to hormone therapy (ADT). ADT makes us feel terribly, it affects our stamina, our memory, our attention span, gives us hot flashes and weakens [...]

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